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Spiritual values direct your mind map calmly and coolly…Seven spiritual values guide you best..

As we people, we have spiritual values inside of us. Spiritual values are the integrative values of the human soul consisting of altruistic, humanistic, personal, divine, and affective values leading to a personality’s spiritual growth. These values are more useful for promoting humanity, such as Sincerity, Justice, Goodness, Forgiveness, Courage, Power, and Wisdom.
Individuals who value spirituality take the time to reflect on their daily activities and ultimately build lasting memories of their experiences. Because spiritual people are more conscious of small, daily activities, they experience positive emotions associated with the smaller pleasures in life.

A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your Dreams is a 1994 self-help, pocket-sized book by Deepak Chopra, published originally by New World Library, freely inspired in Hindus and spiritualistic concepts, which preaches the idea that personal success is not the outcome of hard work, precise plans or a driving ambition, but instead of understanding our inherent nature as human beings and how to follow the laws of nature
Sunday – The Law of Pure Potentiality

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Take time to be silent. Meditate for 30 minutes twice a day. This is the best therapy for your burning and rush mind. In this running world, we mostly face unexpected worries and sufferings. It is the nature of human life. Our mind is smooth inherently. Therefore it absorbs everything, even good or bad. The law of pure potentially is the best way to wipe all your sufferings and worries. You can do meditation based on your breath or based on kindness, the truth of this world, and whatever way: your tolerance level and your potential volume increase than your past. I’m sure it definitely gives you happiness and sets your mind best. You can joy life with the law of pure potential.

#1 Monday – The Law of Giving

Giving is the most spiritual thing. Suppose you got something from someone, please kind enough to thank them. Gifts are the things it spreads affection, appreciation, love, and caring with each other. You will get what you have given. You may not have gifts but give others kindness and love, at least your wonderful smile. You can offer those miraculous things without cost.

#2 Tuesday-The Law of Karma

In the law of giving, I mentioned that you would get something you have given. It is valid for the law of karma. Every action generates a force of energy that returns to us in like kind. Most people in the world have not understood this miracle thing. That is why they do wrong for others. If you offer happiness and joy to others, you will be given them. You are the originator of your own satisfaction.

#3 Wednesday-The Law of Least Effort

Accept people, situations, and events as they occur. Sometimes you have to face most unexpected worries even you don’t like to accept them. Although you don’t like it, you have to face it. Take responsibility for situations and all events seen as problems in front of you. Understand the pattern of those things will help you to solve them. Everything in this world has a concise time scale. Then you will find a solution.
Thursday- The Law of Intention and Desire

Inherent in every intention and desire is the mechanics for its fulfillment. Make a list of desires. That desire list takes you to the victory. Try to reach them. Trust that when things don’t seem to go your way, there is a reason.

Photo credit: pexels

#4 Friday-The Law of Detachment

Let yourself and others the freedom to be who they are. Do not force solutions—allow solutions to emerge spontaneously. Uncertainty is essential, and your path to freedom.

Photo credit: pexels

#5 Saturday-The Law of Dharma

Seek your higher Self. Discover your unique talents. Ask yourself how you are best suited to serve humanity. Using your exceptional skills and helping others brings unlimited bliss and abundance.
The Seven Spiritual Laws are powerful principles; put into practice, they set you on a direct course to authentically achieve your goals. The laws of success are easy to understand and apply. Use these daily steps to incorporate The Seven Spiritual Laws into your life. You can look at this world with a beautiful mind if you look at this miraculous seven.

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